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Practicing stillness in the chaos.
"I have many ways of dancing, inscribing movements, reaching the fare and the inner. Drawing, dancing, scribing and playing music are my movements process, my daily practices. They are all connected and nourishing each others. BUT the body has to be engaged to practice stillness in all its movements. "
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Edge Effect May 2022
Sitzflashe Vienna
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Vidéos: Image

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Vidéos: Vidéos
Wilderness is a space of diversity, of alive and movements and where thoughts are animated. Alive is thinking us!
This is what makes ME alive...
Todays wilderness became as a dream, what would it happen when we stop dreaming ?
We are bigger than we think but we think too much...
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avec 2

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I mostly don't like to talk about my work.
I prefer diving into it.
Sometimes it takes me time to even understand what I am doing.
As if I were creating thoughts.
And then I listen...
Who is really speaking?
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The Smell of your Gaze #4 teaser
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My camera has its own spirit, a spirit among other spirits and is polymorph. Sometimes it takes the posture of an animal, a torrent, a rock, a green leaf or a blade of grass ...
I always have to find out what it is...
It is creating as much as capturing... A choreographer, a dancer as much as an audience
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Vidéos: Texte
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