I got to know a very sensitive man torned in a social (and cultural) fight. He decided consciously to give power to the dominant culture, married a french and non juish family, cultivated his french roots (“nos ancètres les gaulois”) to overcome his/our sanded feet. He silently signed a contract erasing his Indigène roots and his root as Indigène. He consciously signed this pact, because his parents before him signed it too. It was a kind of play for this talented people to adapt, absorb new habits and develop new skills. As Indigène they were carrying a kind of naiveness, trying to behave as, to act as, to become. Talented people in cultural skills as music, paintings, writing because they loved to challenge new abilities of them, nourishing an already multifaceted culture.
But did he/we unconsciously signed a pact with an oppressor?
He thought his talent will make him being accepted as “one of them” by his host, denying, exploiting himself.
This man was my father.
I was teached to carry with me l'”excellence à la française” and the oppressor of my own “Indigenous” being...
My body did not agree

Karine Blanche is a french artist living and working in Vienna. She graduated a Master in Economy in Paris in 1993 with Must work still be painful? a reflexion on the role of work in society. A trilogy between art, politic and economy.
She worked in different field as social, art, business and pedagogy and started to develop her own relation with work engaging the body.
In 1994 she opened to asiatic culture as Japan, China and Corea. She got a grant that brought her to Japan to study tradition in contemporary art in Japan. She started to paint and never lost her dialogue with Asia.
In 1996, she crossed the path of a poet dramaturge Armand Gatti and became his assistant for few years. She developed with him practices where the body is the unique poetic tool. She started writing and directing.
After an accident that forced her immobilisation. She studied Chinese medicine as a poetic practice, practiced martial art and meditation for more than 15 years to re-invented, repossessed her own body. She recognize in the vegetal kingdom a resilience force.
In 2008, she started integrating Alive into her work, studied biology and botanic and mixed scientific work with artistic one. Today she focuses on the concept of Ecology and environement as mutual commitment.
Her art composition is a complex world made out of images, photo, video, dance, scent, music, performance, writing and installation where the body is totally engaged.
Interested in alternated states as meditative states, trance or extase, as transformative process, the work of Karine Blanche likes to question the posture of human in/on, with/within nature. Through different settings, she searches for a shift of perspective where human “gives up” his dominating/controlling role in the web of life and becomes the fruit of a larger scale of viewer and viewed.
By questioning this posture, she explores the “feminine” identity, and the mutuality in the triggered network of inter-being, where species lose their hierarchic classification.